Friday, March 6, 2009

2.2- Alex

I think it is about time that we have an African American president. I hope that president Obama follows through on what he proposed during his campaign, especially his plan for Iraq. I think we need to get out of there because we really didn't even need to go there in the first place. All that we have accomplished is American soldiers dying and wasting a lot of money.

1 comment:

  1. Alex,

    I think you need to ask yourself if you had been in the shoes of the president when we were attacked on 9/11 would you have sat back and not retaliated? Having said that, I think we lost some focus about why we sent troops over there, but then again, ask yourself, again, have we served any good over there? Now, according to Obama's campaign promises, one of the first things he planned to do when he became president was start pulling our troops from the Middle East; however, one of the first thing he took back was that same statement, and he actually sent more troops over. So, make sure you fully inform yourself. Yes, we should bring our troops home. But, should we completely pull out from the region? Would that be a smart security move on the US's part?
