Monday, March 2, 2009

New Challenge Responses-Hannah-


No one really tells you how hard something is going to be until you are going through it. I knew that it would be hard being away from my best friend who is now at college, but knowing and actually realizing are two different things. Although some might say that distance is good for friendship (and I do agree) I also feel that because my best friend happens to be my boyfriend that some might think it is sappy to miss him. Since the end of last year the thought of him going to college was like a looming monster, but now that the school year is almost over I can say that yes it was horrible to go for a few weeks without seeing him, but now I appreciate the time we have together more.

Next year when I go to school wherever it may be (Chicago or elsewhere) I hope that I can take the lessons and strength I have gained this year and apply it. It seems that people, no matter who they are, are not designed to be alone.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah,
    Sometimes, being away does make time together better, as long as you keep the lines of communication open during the time you are not together. With a husband who is traveling constantly, I appreciate your post, and know that when we are together, I make sure what we do is quality. But that doesn't take away the fact that it is, indeed, hard to be away from the one you care about constantly.
