Thursday, March 5, 2009

2.3 Mele

One academic presentation I will always remember throughout my life would have to be the presentation Cameron gave the teachers last week. When we started the presentation another student from student council was there to discuss dress code with the teachers. The teachers were VERY brutal about it and basically said it is there way or the highway and it really seemed as if there was no reasoning with them. Once Cameron got up to the front I was very nervous about what the teachers would think. He started off very smoothly and kind of seemed like he was a salesman for Apple. The teachers listened patiently (even though some of them were dozing off and in their own little worlds) and when the end reached they actually seemed on our side. At the end Cameron asked them to vote right there and then. All the teachers that actually voted, voted for Ipods in school.

1 comment:

  1. This presentation was a great presentation! And I have to agree with you Mele, those teachers really scared me haha. But I was impressed with the turn out of 22 votes for yes and no votes for no, but I was a little sad to see some of the teachers pretty much falling asleep during my presentation. Was I that boring? lol. I really didn't think I was that boring, but oh well because now we are gonna be allowed to have iPods in school now, this is pretty exciting and a huge step for student action in this school. Because of this presentation it shows that if students step up to the plate and do what we did that there could be change in the school, and better change for the students!
