Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 2-Hannah-



This article was talking about how Christianity and religion is on the decrease since 1990. The general feeling of no religion is contributed to the "radical shift towards individualism over the last quarter-century. [the author] also said the revelation that some Catholic priests had sexually abused children -- and senior figures in the church hierarchy had helped to hide it -- drove some Catholics away from religion. And, he said, it is now more socially acceptable than it once was to admit having no religion." I agree that you are not considered such an outcast if you say you don't belong to a church than you would have if you said that 10 or 15 years ago. I think this trend is a good one because religion has the power to tie down a country and strangle it in beliefs that do not necessarily pertain or hold the country's best interest in mind.

I found it interesting that the megachurch population has grown to over 8 million people. Personally, I am freaked out by megachurchs because worship to me means a private and spiritual thing. I don't see how that can be accomplished with television cameras trained on you and when you are surrounded by masses of people.

My opinion of religion has influenced my thoughts on this story, but I understand that to some religion plays a key role in staying connected to reality.

1 comment:

  1. I find the whole religion aspect interesting, as well. I understand people's desire to leave churches, esp. the Catholic Church with all the coverups that have been exposed in various places - like the article mentioned - but I also think as a country we've strayed from some of the initial beliefs that founded this country. The 'founders' of this nation left religious persecution and started anew here, and somehow down the road, it seems we've lost sight of the impact religion does have on our lives. It's a complicated and convoluted discussion that is highly charged for many, but I think worth having for a variety of reasons. Think back to our summer reading discussion...
