Monday, March 9, 2009

2.1 Mele My Weekend

I had a really long and horrible weekend. First I had to wake up really early on Saturday (8:00) so I could go to work. Of course I hate work and my boss Lois decided that she should stand by my register half the time I work (6 hrs) and it made me extremely nervous because she yells at me for every mistake that I make so of course I made even more mistakes with her standing by me. Then she kept asking me to cover some girls shift. I felt like I had been put on the spot and without thinking I said yes. After work was over I thought things would have gotten better but they got worst. The road to my house was extremely muddy and I almost crashed several times in to ditches. Once I got home I went over to my friends house to hang out. I kept falling asleep on his bed so I finally decided to go home around 11:30. When I got home some of my parents friends were over and they parked right in the middle of my driveway so I had to wait till they left so I could move my car. Around 1:30 I finally got in bed but I was woken up by this really loud beeping that turned out to be our gas alarms. My Dad refused to take the batteries out so it kept beeping an kept me up for a while. I was about to fall asleep when my Mom started shaking me and telling me to go sleep somewhere else cause my room was right next to where the alarm was going off. I went upstairs to sleep next to my parents room but then I had to listen to them argue for a really long time about what they should do about the alarm going off. Finally I got asleep around 3:30am...the next morning I had to work at 8:30 and my Dad woke me up around 8:20 =[ so I was extremely late for work....I really hope I never have have a weekend like this again!!


  1. LOL does sound like you had a bad weekend! I do hate that Lois lady, she is a you know what!! That is the reason I quit that place. I feel sooo bad that you had to wake up at 8:00 lol that is just so horrible, I had to get up at 9 :P I got a whole hour more sleep than you did. And YES those roads were horrible, I can't believe the same thing happed to you, neons just suck I guess haha. But yeah that story about the gas alarm is so funny, I am just glad you didn't die, as your mom thought would happen haha!!! Ahh what a crazy weekend, and just think this weekend is going to be crazier because it will be so close to the CONCERT!!!! AHHHH sooooooo excited, we are gonna make shirts and everything, it is going to be so much fun! :)

  2. Mele, sounds like a story only you could tell. And, do me a favor... check for mechanical/spelling errors next time, please.

  3. And, Cameron, please... watch what you say about people. This is a public space, a public blog, and you cannot openly denounce people. We've had this conversation :)
