Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2.2 Alex week 3


A 32 year old Texas man was arrested in Mansfield, La when construction workers saw him walking around on his hands and knees, eating mud, and growling like a dog. The woman that he was with said that he had been wandering around the complex eating dog food. The police found a small bottle of PCP, a half pound of marijuana, and one- forth ounce of crack cocaine on the man. he was charged with possession with intent to distribute. He is at the Desoto Detention Center where jailers could keep an eye on him. I think that this guy must have been using all of those drugs if he was acting that crazy. I think he must have some brain damage from all of that drug use.

1 comment:

  1. Eek... It's amazing to me what people do. Pretty sad, actually
