Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mele 2.1

Over the weekend me, Cameron, and Alice went to the last Britney Spears circus tour in the US. The ride was about 4 hours but wasn't that boring because the people that brought us were pretty funny and cool. Once we got there we looked around a little and the Mohegan Sun was HUGE. It literally had everything you could think of. We waited outside of the Arena for about an hour and saw all of Britney's dancers and crew passing us to prepare for the show. Once in the arena we ran to get a spot near the stage and luckily we got front row. Waiting for the show wasn't to bad because there was some pretty cool people talking to us and Britney Spear's brother in law was talking to us about how awesome the show was.

After we waited for about an hour The Pussycat Dolls to finally come on. They were amazing and really interacted with their fans. Cameron and me had glow sticks and were waving them in the air to get noticed, the lead singer noticed us and pointed and smiled. After another one came to our side and started dancing so I made a heart with my hands and pointed at her. She actually saw me laughed and waved. Towards the end my favorite Doll came over to our side to dance and was doing amazing. I waved and screamed that I love her and she looked at me and gave me the rock on symbol which was awesome. Shortly after they had to end. It was their last show with Britney so all the clowns went on stage and started to dance with them.

Once they ended I thought it was going to take forever for Britney to start but her crew got up on stage and started dancing and doing all this cool stuff like spinning a giant box and doing flips. They were on stage for about 10 minutes then Britney came on. Her show was really awesome and we were literally about arms length away from her. I was so happy until her GIANT body guard decided to stand in front of me and block my view.

Over all it was a amazing show and I would def go again.

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