Monday, May 4, 2009

Hannah 2.1

The only thing I am thinking about right now is going home and going to bed. I have my AP test this Friday and therefore will be incapacitated for the rest of the day. I am worried about this test because I have to get a three to get college credit. I would hate to have taken this stupid VHS class for nothing. I learned more about the country than I would ever want to know. It seems that the book we used was written by a right wing Republican and my teacher was most definitely a Republican, which ticked me off. I got into many arguments because he believed that history was not meant to be discussed, just studied. That doesn't make any sense to me as history can been seen through many different glasses. History has always fascinated me and I will not have my love of it killed by some ignorant teacher who can't take time out of his busy schedule to consider other people's ideas.

I also am ticked that I seem to be wasting the rest of my time here doing asinine, repetitive things. I don't want to be here today AT ALL.


  1. Well, you sound good.

    There's not much you can do about your VHS teacher being a republican; it's his opinion to have, and unless he explicitly states his views, you can't even be positive that he IS a republican.

    He could be just a democrat with very republican values.

    Or he could be a communist.

  2. He told us at the beginning of the year his political standings. Basically he said he was a conservative Republican.
