Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kyle 2.4

Yesterday was Mr. Flateau's birthday. So, for a gift the chorus came up with their own version of Let It Be by The Beatles.

"When I find myself running the mile,
Coach Flateau comes to me
running like a banshee
he kinda scares me

And in my hour of physics
he is standing right in front of me
speaking words of speed

Velocity, velocity, velocity, velocity
speaking words of speed, velocity

He loves when students take his classes
all except for botany
stupid freaking plants

But though they may be parted
there is still a chance that they may part
we'll use a solution

Chemistry, chemistry, chemistry, chemistry
Chemistry's so much better than botany

Chemistry, chemistry, chemistry, chemistry
Chemistry's so much butter than botany

And when the night is cloudy
Lily's smile shines on me
shine until tomorrow
Liltle lily

I wake up to the sound of puking
Papa flateau comes to see

He kinda scares me, velocity
dang botany, chemistry
little lily puking, please not on me.

teaching kids, coaching track
dealing with mrs. flateau's crap
happy birthday to, mr. flateau!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. wow, that is really creative. I think that it is cool that you guys made a song for him, I bet he loved it.
