Friday, May 8, 2009

Alex 2.2

There is a kangaroo named Bandit loose in upstate New York about 20 miles from Syracuse. It is a wallaroo a large species of kangaroo , it is about one year old and three feet tall. People called the police when they saw it while they were driving. The owner bought Bandit last month for a wildlife education program that he intends to start next year. Bandit has been loose for three weeks, the owner believes that someone broke into his barn and let Bandit loose intentionally;_ylt=AjnQN96FN1qXBJi0pASM3eLtiBIF

Mele 4.2

I was checking out some articles on my Google reader and found this one article off of Reuters which said that officials think at least a third of the worlds population will become infected with the H1N1 (swine flu). Its pretty scary to think that much people will get infected by it....

Alex 2.1

Last Sunday was opening day for regular turkey season, I went out with my uncle and shot a 15 pound jake with a 5 inch beard and a second beard that was like 1 inch. My mom went with Jim and they both got one, my mom's was 20 pounds with a 9 inch beard and Jim's was 18 pounds and had a 8 inch beard. Overall it was really fun and I cant wait to go next year again.

John 3.5

I just listened to a song that Kyle made on Garageband. I really liked how he put together the two guitar tracks, piano track, and drum track to make a great sounding song. It was simple, but also very elaborate at the same time.

Mele 4.1

On my google reader there is this really cool site offered called think geek. It is a page that shows new technology like iPod accessories and shirts that probably only geeks would wear. I really recommend checking it out it has a couple cool things that are definitely worth looking at!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

derek d.-4.1

An article that I found on google reader talked about how the new "Star Trek" movie is actually a really good movie. I was surprised about the good response it got because from the previews it looked pretty inane. But it probably didn't look good to me because I am not a Star Trek fan. I tried watching one episode of it and I couldn't do it, it was just to weird. But I am interested in movies and when I heard that they ere going to make a Star Trek movie I expected everyone to be mad because a lot of people are devoted fans to the franchise and probably want people to leave its legacy alone. But I guess that J.J. Abrams rendition of Star Trek is really good and a lot of critics are praising Star Trek.

Mele 2.4

With The Pussycat Dolls now finished with the circus tour they are now releasing more singles. Their new single is called Hush Hush and I am pretty excited for it to come out. They just recently finished filming the music video and should be releasing it to the public soon. Here is a link for the song (lyrics included) :

Cameron 2.4 (5.7.09)

Here is a video that we took at the concert we went to this past Sunday! This was from the front row of the west wing because it was set up like a three-ring circus because the tour is The Circus Starring: Britney Spears, and her newest album is titled 'Circus.' It was an amazing concert, and it was so cool being this close to her!

derek d-2.3

A book that I have a connection to is "The Hungry Little Caterpillar" because I remember when Ms. Smith, my kindergarten teacher from years ago, would read it to the class. I don't know why I remember that specific book because she read like tons of books to us but it just stood out to me because it had pop up pictures and it was a pretty interesting story. But whenever I read it to the kids in mentoring I just think back to my kindergarten days and remember how much fun it was.

Cameron 2.3 (5.7.09)

The hype for the sequel of 'Twilight' is building as they are getting ready for the new movie, 'New Moon.' Though I am a fan myself of the 'Twilight' series I have to say 'New Moon' is by far the worst book of the series. I really do not think this movie will be as good as the last one. This book just seems so boring and not as interesting as the last one. If you really want to like this book you really need to get use to the Jacob Black character which I am having a hard time doing because I just don't like him, he is not interesting. If you were a Edward Cullen fan then you are out of luck because he is hardly in this book, and it is kind of disappointing because what makes the Twilight series is when Bella and Edward are together, and it is not happening. But I guess reports are saying that the cast thinks this movie will actually be better than the book itself. I guess we will have to wait until mid November to really find out.

Mele 2.3

I really good book that I just recently read is Nick and Nora's Infinite playlist. It is nothing like the movie in away except maybe theme wise. In the book its about Nick wanting to seem over his ex girlfriend so he ask Nora to be his girlfriend for 5 minutes and become sort of attached. After a long night of fun they end up falling in love. In the movie its Nora who ask Nick to be her boyfriend for 5 minutes because she wanted to impress his ex. They really emphasize gum and a band in the movie that really didn't have to do with the book. I think when they make movies they should try their best to really to make the movie more like the book!!!!!!!

derek d-2.4

A song that I got a connection to is "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics. I use to listen to that song all the time as a child and I don't remember why I liked that song but I was just drawned to it because of its music video and the lead singer had like bright orange hair in it and I was just like "wow, orange hair, cool!". But whenever I hear it I just take a trip back to those good ole days when I was young and it just brings back memories.

derek d-2.2

I watched this pretty cool news broadcast on a dog that saved his owners life from a mountain lion. He took his dog on a hike and a mountain lion came out of nowhere and was about to attack the guy when the dog chased after it and attacked it. The dog did get injured but not to badly.

Cameron 2.2 (5.7.09)

The night before our concert, a crazy fan managed to jump on the stage and get right in Britney's face, of course without harming her. 20-year old, Kyle King, decided he would jump on the stage and do a little dance with Britney, on her encore of 'Womanizer.' He was quickly taken off the stage though by several of Britney's dancers. Though not mentioned in any news articles, Mele and I talked to Mohegan Sun security, where the incident happened, and they were telling us that the man was thrown off the stage and then tackled by security and beaten. King was then arrested for breach of peace and has to later appear in court in June, after posting a $250 bond. After his twenty seconds of fame and the huge lesson he learned, well not really, he claims he does not regret doing this and that he would do it again. He said he ended up getting so close that he could even hear Britney's reaction as she screamed, "Oh my god, oh my god!" Which made people speculate and try and put an end to lip sync rumors as it proved she might be because the microphone didn't pick up her screams. This makes me a little mad because when we went to our concert I can say you could tell she did lip sync some songs, but she definitely was really singing at some points. So just because of this incident people can't jump to conclusions and assume now she does really lip sync.

Kyle 2.4

Yesterday was Mr. Flateau's birthday. So, for a gift the chorus came up with their own version of Let It Be by The Beatles.

"When I find myself running the mile,
Coach Flateau comes to me
running like a banshee
he kinda scares me

And in my hour of physics
he is standing right in front of me
speaking words of speed

Velocity, velocity, velocity, velocity
speaking words of speed, velocity

He loves when students take his classes
all except for botany
stupid freaking plants

But though they may be parted
there is still a chance that they may part
we'll use a solution

Chemistry, chemistry, chemistry, chemistry
Chemistry's so much better than botany

Chemistry, chemistry, chemistry, chemistry
Chemistry's so much butter than botany

And when the night is cloudy
Lily's smile shines on me
shine until tomorrow
Liltle lily

I wake up to the sound of puking
Papa flateau comes to see

He kinda scares me, velocity
dang botany, chemistry
little lily puking, please not on me.

teaching kids, coaching track
dealing with mrs. flateau's crap
happy birthday to, mr. flateau!!!!!"

derek d-2.1

Only about five more weeks are left of school and I am so excited! I can't wait for summer because I am going be able to get a car and I am going to have two jobs so I will be making a good amount of money. The only thing that I am worried about is that I am going to be working a lot and I don't know if I will be able to handle it. I think that it will tire me out after about the first week. I am going to be working 5 to 6 days a week and I am probably going to be so tired and burned out after the summer. But I am sure that I can handle it because not to brag or anything but I am a good worker and it takes a lot to tire me out.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mele 2.2

On May 2 Britney performed at the Mohegan Sun and was nearly done with the concert when a crazed man jumped on stage and ran right up to her face. All he wanted to do was dance the last song with her but really didn't even get a chance. Watching the video you could see that she was very scared and wanted him off the stage asap so her dancers threw him off and he was arrested and a $250 bail was posted.

I really don't know why anyone would do this sober or drunk because it is REALLY stupid. Her body guards were pretty huge and I don't know how he got on the stage and was able to get right up to her face before one of her dancers pushed him away. Looking at this she needs some better security guards.

Cameron 2.1 (5.6.09)

This past Sunday was the best day I have had in a very long time. It was the day Mele, Alice, and I went to a Britney Spears concert all the way in Uncasville, CT. It was certainly a worry that we weren't even going to make this concert that we had purchased the tickets for because we had no ride. But then a good friend of ours offered to bring us like two days before the show and then we ended up actually going. I was very fortunate for this friend bringing us, even though it cost us an extra $150 on top of the $250 a ticket.
No matter what the cost was it was definitely worth it because we bought general admission tickets meaning we were on the floor near the stage but could have been front row, in the middle, or the way back. But once they opened those doors and started collecting tickets, I have never ran so fast in my life as I bolted for the floor and ended up getting us front row seats!!! And let me tell you having front row seats is the best experience ever, especially when the star of the show actually looks at you and notices you in the crowd. This happened when the opening act, the Pussycat Dolls, lead singer Nicole Scherzinger saw me waving my glow stick in the air, waving to her, and then she pointed right at me and said, "I love you too!" I could not believe that had happened to me.
After the Pussycat Dolls got off the stage the Big Apple Circus came on and performed for a little bit, hence the name of the tour being The Circus Starring: Britney Spears because her new album is titled 'Circus'. After 15 minutes of fascinating circus stunts the show finally started as we saw Britney, the star of the show, descend from the ceiling opening the show with her hit single, "Circus." The show went through pretty fast and it was sad when she came back on for the encore, "Womanizer" as we all knew this was the last performance she was going to do in the United States for a while. The whole stadium roared with cheers and screams for Britney, as everyone was definitely showing her the love which is great for her. She ended the show in a wall of fireworks surrounding her and her dancers, then quickly exiting off saying, "goodnight Connecticut, I love you!" Then she was gone. She was probably so fast to get off the stage so there wouldn't be another incident of a fan jumping on stage during her performance and scaring her half to death, the night before at the same arena, The Mohegan Sun.
This was certainly one of the best, well just maybe the best night of my life. It feels great to see Britney come back on stage and doing what she use to do, and not going back to bad habits from a year ago. I am just hoping she stays on this road and continues to put out new music, and maybe go on another tour in the United States because I can tell you I will be at that concert.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mele 2.1

Over the weekend me, Cameron, and Alice went to the last Britney Spears circus tour in the US. The ride was about 4 hours but wasn't that boring because the people that brought us were pretty funny and cool. Once we got there we looked around a little and the Mohegan Sun was HUGE. It literally had everything you could think of. We waited outside of the Arena for about an hour and saw all of Britney's dancers and crew passing us to prepare for the show. Once in the arena we ran to get a spot near the stage and luckily we got front row. Waiting for the show wasn't to bad because there was some pretty cool people talking to us and Britney Spear's brother in law was talking to us about how awesome the show was.

After we waited for about an hour The Pussycat Dolls to finally come on. They were amazing and really interacted with their fans. Cameron and me had glow sticks and were waving them in the air to get noticed, the lead singer noticed us and pointed and smiled. After another one came to our side and started dancing so I made a heart with my hands and pointed at her. She actually saw me laughed and waved. Towards the end my favorite Doll came over to our side to dance and was doing amazing. I waved and screamed that I love her and she looked at me and gave me the rock on symbol which was awesome. Shortly after they had to end. It was their last show with Britney so all the clowns went on stage and started to dance with them.

Once they ended I thought it was going to take forever for Britney to start but her crew got up on stage and started dancing and doing all this cool stuff like spinning a giant box and doing flips. They were on stage for about 10 minutes then Britney came on. Her show was really awesome and we were literally about arms length away from her. I was so happy until her GIANT body guard decided to stand in front of me and block my view.

Over all it was a amazing show and I would def go again.

Hannah 2.2

The UK has recently tightened its grip on who can come into the country. Since 2005 the government has been given permission to deny anyone who might harm the country or who seem to be extremely radical. Some of the 2009 list of people not allowed include "Islamic extremists, white supremacists and a US radio host", all of whom the government has decided are unwelcome for their radical ideas and anti-something propaganda.

I find this interesting because some people have remarked that is crossing over into discrimination, but aren't many Americans always preaching that we should protect our "homeland" better? It seems to me that this idea has roots in sanity, but at the same time when will it be deemed as going too far? Although I think countries should be allowed to choose who they want coming into their country (we do) I don't feel entirely comfortable with people such as Martha Stewart and benign people like that being put on the list. It seems to me that the more we cut down the lines of communication between people the bigger our problems will be. If dissenting ideas cannot be tolerated how will change come about?

Hannah 2.3

I find it kind of ironic that I am reading The Plague right now amidst all this panic about the swine flu. This book was originally written in French during the 1940s, so it makes references to places that I am not familiar with. I think the story is interesting, but particularly because the author is not talking about a physical illness, even though that can be assumed. It seems to me that the plague can actually be viewed as a way that people act towards things that are unusual. At first the townspeople don't really care about the disease, even though it killed many people. Later on they began to realize it was severe, but most didn't really care about being sick, what they hated the most was being separated from their loved ones. As the death toll mounts the lovers still feel optimistic that they will be together again soon.

The plague itself is described gruesomely and it seems to resemble the bubonic plague, but it is never referred to it as that. The government didn't acknowledge the disease until it had killed hundreds of people, which shows how oblivious people can be to things they don't want to see.

So far I like this book and am about halfway through. Hopefully I can finish it this weekend then start Moll Flanders next.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Kyle 2.2

Obama administration rolls out 'White House 2.0'

The White House has now launched pages on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Vimeo, YouTube, and iTunes. The White House thinks because of the great use of computers it is a great way to communicate with the nation.

2.3 andrew

this picture reminds me of the choir i sang in festival. there was probably the same amount of people in it too.

Hannah 2.4

I was recently listening to the White Stripes and my favorite song by them would have to be "Take, Take, Take". The lyrics are about a man sitting a bar and he's content just being there. Gradually his needs increase, but all the while he says, "That's all that I need". I think this song is perfect for today's society when we are only content having everything we want. What ever happened to wanting things and not ever getting them? I think it is important to want some things that you know you will never have because it keeps reality in check. Some people will go out on a buying spree and not realize until they are done that they don't have the means to pay for it. I think people need to have reality checks every once in a while.

Here are the lyrics:

I was sitting there in a comfortable chair
And that was all that I needed
Then my friend offered me a drink for us to share
And that was all that I needed
Well, then I felt at ease
But then I'm not too hard to please
I guess you couldn't call me greedy
Then I was shocked to look up
And see Rita Hayworth there in a place so seedy
She walked into the bar with her long, red, curly hair
And that was all that I needed
And I said to my friend, "Good God, we're lucky men just to even see her"
Take, take, take
Take, take, take
Take, take, take
And I could not resist, I just had to get close to her
And that was all that I needed
I walked and loomed around her table for a while
And that was all that I needed
Then I said, "I hate to bug you, ma'am, but can I have your autograph?"
And that was all that I needed
She pressed her lips against a white piece of paper
And that was all that I needed
Then I saw what she wrote, my heart is in my mouth
And that was all that I needed
Then she handed it to me, and I think that she could see
That that was all that I needed
I started to walk away but then I remembered 'hey, I forgot to get a picture'
So I asked her one more time, "could I have another favor?"
That was all that I needed
She was kind and posed with me
Then I knew my friend would see my celebrity meeting
Take, take, take
Take, take, take
Take, take, take
She turned and said to me, "I need to go to sleep,"
And it seemed so mean
It's almost as if she could not appreciate how cool I was being
She said, "good night" and walked away
And I didn't know what to say
I just couldn't believe it
Well, it's just not fair
I want to get a piece of hair
That was all that I needed
Or maybe a kiss on the cheek
I wouldn't wash it for a week
That would be all that I needed
But she didn't even care
That I was even there
What a horrible feeling

Pregnant Woman Faces Death by Firing Squad


Samantha Orobator is a British citizen who was arrested in Laos for possession of over a half-kilogram of heroin. The punishment for this in Laos is traditionally the death penalty; but, as a complication, Orobator was impregnated in jail, presumably not consensually.

This is a lot to take in for Jane Orobator, Samantha's mother, who had no idea that her 20-year-old daughter was engaging in such activities as drug trafficking, or even had been in Laos.

Orobator's case is under continuous discussion, and the British authorities are in constant contact with Laotian authorities over the case.


Section 2.4 John

During our last vacation, I borrowed the movie Step Brothers from my friend. I have to say that it is one of the funniest movies I have seen in awhile. It's funny in a blunt way, not just stupid jokes like some comedy movies. I think that just watching grown men acting like children is funny for just about anyone. I would recommend this movie to most people, but if you are wary of watching R rated movies then I would not recommend it to you. But, all in all, it is a great movie that is worthy of lots of praise.

Kyle 2.1

This summer is going to be a very busy one for me. I have to go to my aunt's wedding down by the coast. Then I am going to be in Wyoming for a week. That week should be pretty sweet. Before I leave I am helping coach at Mr. Ackerman's soccer camp. I went every year sense I was old enough to. So, It's like a full circle of learning and teaching. After I get back from Wyoming, I go to Keene for a soccer camp with the team. Hopefully it wont rain the whole week this year. I think I'm rooming with Pete so that will be a good time. I will also play on at least one summer soccer team. I am hoping to play on the men's team because it will make me a stronger player and I will learn a lot, mainly because of the two ex-professional players. My family in California want to take me to the X-Games and I don't know if that will happen because I still have to find a job.

2.2 andrew

The Boston Globe is threatening to end there newspaper if they cant get money to pay for everything. they want $10 million from the Boston Newspaper Guild, $5 million from the mailers, $2.5 million from the delivery truck drivers and $2.2 million from the press operators.

Hannah 2.1

The only thing I am thinking about right now is going home and going to bed. I have my AP test this Friday and therefore will be incapacitated for the rest of the day. I am worried about this test because I have to get a three to get college credit. I would hate to have taken this stupid VHS class for nothing. I learned more about the country than I would ever want to know. It seems that the book we used was written by a right wing Republican and my teacher was most definitely a Republican, which ticked me off. I got into many arguments because he believed that history was not meant to be discussed, just studied. That doesn't make any sense to me as history can been seen through many different glasses. History has always fascinated me and I will not have my love of it killed by some ignorant teacher who can't take time out of his busy schedule to consider other people's ideas.

I also am ticked that I seem to be wasting the rest of my time here doing asinine, repetitive things. I don't want to be here today AT ALL.

John section 2.3

I recently read the book Intensity by Dean Koontz. The book was about a woman named Chyna Shepard who witnessed the killings of her best friend and their whole family. She pursued the killer in hopes of repaying him for what he had done to her friend, but ended up being overpowered by him and locked up in his house. She finds out that the man is holding a young girl hostage there too, and she eventually breaks free and saves herself and the girl. The book is a great one, full of mystery and suspense. I recommend it to anyone who likes books that are suspenseful and very detailed.

2.4 Nick

I wish i was a teleporting fatguy.



"Frodo wouldn't've got far without old Sam."

I'm sure that most or all of us saw the Lord of the Rings movies. It's debatable whether we all liked them.

But if you DID watch The Return of the King, then I bet most of you were teary-eyed when, about half-way through, Frodo Baggins LEAVES his faithful servant, Samwise Gamgee, to the birds, in the middle of Mordor.

I think I cried when I saw that the first time.

Anyway, a few interesting bits of information. First of all, the part where Sam and Frodo crossed Shelob's Lair wasn't in Return of the King, it was actually in The Two Towers, also an excellent book.

Oh yeah; and the abandoning part NEVER HAPPENED.

Certainly, Gollum led them all straight into the face of a giant frickin' spider, but Frodo never left Sam on the Stair of Cirith Ungul! I was outraged! That's, like, the saddest I've ever been in a movie...just about ever.

I...I think it'll be a while before I can trust again...


John 2.2

Today, I heard that the swine flu has been spreading to many states in the US. There have been at least 20 confirmed cases in the US and there is even one in a school in southern New Hampshire. I think that it is only a matter of time before the flu spreads to schools in our area, and we might have to close the schools, like they have done to the schools around the US. If we have to miss more days of school and go more days during the summer, I will be genuinely angry.

nick 2.3

This button perfectly dipicts me. when i cant think of something to say, I say a random word.

nick 2.2;_ylt=AuSTs8YejJOs1SDUCjJFS4_tiBIF

That is a perfect reason why toilet humor is great. I bet this guy makes jokes about landing on port-a-potties.

John 2.1

Yesterday, as a present for my 15th birthday, my dad let me drive the car on the roads. I think that this is a sign that my dad thinks that I am becoming more mature and am able to handle the responsibility of driving. This is a big deal for me considering I have wanted to drive ever since I was in sixth grade, and now that I am able to actually do it with my parents consent just makes me feel very good about myself. This will also help me in the long run in practicing for drivers ed and will also probably impress the teacher, because I am already experienced.

Nick 2.1

So I'm finally registering my truck next wednesday, and then i am putting insurance on it the next day. Ill problably drive to school on the 15th just for giggles.


I did not take the SATs on Saturday. I probably should have, because "Saturday" begins with "SAT," and my convoluted brain classifies that as good luck. However, I was late in my sign up, and thenceforth disqualified.

I'm taking them in June, or July, or something. However, I'm FREAKED out because of them.

I didn't do much studying for the PSATs, and I did vaguely above average on those, which is by no means acceptable. However, given that I did above-average, I suppose that studying should allow me to boast exceptional grades on the actual SAT.

Ergo, I began studying, with the assistance of a book my Mom got for me, known as Boot Camp for your Brain. It provided me with modules with which to study mathematics, my total weak point on the PSATs. So every other day for 20 minutes, I study the mathematics module in the book, and try to embed it in my brain.

So it's been about two weeks, and I've come to the end of the mathematics module. At the end, it had some worksheet-type questions that you can expect to be found on the SAT. I did NOT get very many of them correct.

This is what's getting me. After the work I did, I couldn't seem to manage the questions. Maybe I'm being illogical, though. The principle of this book is teaching by repetition, and I've only read the desired segment once, so perhaps that's why the desired results aren't present.

I don't know. At any rate, it's enough to cause me to worry!
