Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ebooks vs Print Books

In today’s world, technology has advanced in so many different ways, either it being for the good or it just being for the worst. Take E-books as an example, they are a huge advancement in the book industry, taking regular text and making it into an electronic book, hence the name E-books. But are E-books all really that good? Yes they may save on lots of paper but again the amount of electricity that is used to read an E-book that does not compare to the amount of paper used.
We both do not like the idea of E-books. Though people may say E-books are cheaper because there are some E-books that can be accessed for free online, but how reliable is that text? Do you know the person that actually posted it? These are questions we think about when it comes to reading an E-book online. It is certainly a type of text that can not be trusted fully, as for a regular book that is the actual book itself, definitely reliable for the accurate text.
Back onto the subject of E-books being cheaper to access than a regular book, is this all the truth, or are they really more expensive than a regular book? Mele and I believe E-books to be actually a much more wallet thief than a book because in order to access some E-books you have to have the internet or some sort of application on a cell phone. Internet and cell phones, hmm those don't come cheap at all, they come with a big price tag. Instead of paying $20 on a book you may be spending $50-$100 a month just to read a book, and a book that might not even be as accurate as the actual text. These are things people should think about when they say they rather invest into E-books rather than going to the store and buying a book off the shelf.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. E-books are a fascinating invention that I wouldn't mind trying out. I like the idea of being able to store multiple books on one device, especially since I plan to move around quite a bit and my extensive collection of books would rarely make it out of boxes. Although I see where concerns arise because of copyright violations I don't see the difference between e-books and music playing devices. There are some problems that need to be worked out with the format of e-books, but I think that they are a great tool and an advancement in the reading of books.

  3. This topic brings to mind the infamous Kindle, an automated, electronic book-reader. While others' opinions may differ, I always have and always will despise the Kindle.
    To segue into my point, I agree, Cameron--online books, in a feeble imitation of online news, will never compare to printed, bound books.
    Online books exemplify a laziness unforeseen in the American psyche; after all, pressing a mouse button or key is a LOT less effort than turning a whole page, right?
    I'll say this now; when the day comes that we forgo traditional books for online books(or worse!), then that will be the day that humanity has truly come to an end.

  4. I think that Ebooks is a very cool way to get all your literature. You can get all your favorite books on the computer and you can even put it on small devices like Ipods. Ebooks sounds like a great program and I would rather use Ebooks then to read from a regular book. Plus using Ebooks saves a lot of paper to because a lot of paper is used to make books. Plus Ebooks is also good for authors because they can sell their Ebooks online.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I disagree that regular books are better than You do save paper which is a big thing to do. The other thing is if you want to save space you you can just put an E-book on a flash drive. The only trouble with that is you would need a laptop if you wanted to read any where. With E-books, because they are digital file, who can search for words and phrases which is one thing you can't do with a regular book. E-books are also easy to resell. All you have to do is buy the resell rights and then you are able to resell the E-book.

  7. I think i would have t disagree with you. Ebooks can help you to carry more than 1 book around. I also helps out with book reports. You can look up a passage in an instant rather than looking through the whole book for it. Ebooks are and instant thing too. No long trip to a store but you can sit at home and wait almost no time at all to get your book and start reading it. So I would have to disagree with you about Ebooks not being better than regular books.

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  9. I agree with your opinion. Although Ebooks may be a new and exciting way to read new books, it probably would be cheaper just to go out and buy a good reliable book. There are some advantages that Ebooks have, such as the ability to be able to put them on portable things like iPods and some cell phones, but who actually would want to go out and buy a $250 iPod just to read a book when they can just get the original version for less than a tenth of the cost. I have to say I sometimes just like to curl up on the couch with a good paperback novel and read away, rather than read a book on the computer.

  10. I think that Ebooks are a great idea and should save a lot of paper. It sounds pretty convenient how you can just download it onto your Ipod or cellphone then where ever you go you would have a book to read. If you already have an Ipod than it would be useful but it wouldn't be worth buying one. Overall Ebooks are awesome.

  11. Oh, I want to join this conversation....

    E-books offer a lot of possibilities in that they are able to be accessed by different medias, you can quickly go to the passage or line you were thinking of, they can be made audible through software additions or device options, etc. which serve the needs of more readers. Additionally, there is still the traditional, actual reading capability (unlike audio books - books on tape, cd, etc.). Those are my big picture thoughts.

    Personally, I like books. I like the texture of the pages, covers, etc. I like to hold a book in my hand, and feel its weight. I like to look around at my bookshelves and see the books I have read, and the stacks in my baskets that I am waiting to read. These are sensory details that matter to me. More importantly though, I don't really like reading long pieces of writing on a screen - it doesn't hold my interest as well as a printed page. When I look at a screen I am used to many mini-breaks, because it is reminiscent of television for me & the commercial breaks.
    I chat on-line, have multiple screens open, listen to music, work on several projects at once, converse with others, watch tv, etc. When I read a book, I have learned how to shut out all the outside distractions and become immersed in the pages I'm holding. I want to be able to be comfortable and sprawl with my book, so I think it is print books for me.
