Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Print News vs. Online News, John and Butler

I believe that if you compare print news and online news, you will find that online news is more convenient and easier to view if you have access to a computer. Online news is usually free and has very little advertisements, as opposed to print news where you have to pay around $1 for a newspaper that is about 50 percent advertisements. Also, when you view your news online, you are able to get the full story on just one page, where in a newspaper you usually have to flip to another page that is far inside the newspaper, which can be a hassle.
Online newspapers have lots of storage space, which will allow you to view older articles, whereas you are only able to have the current articles when you purchase a newspaper. Even for people who want to read local newpapers, they may think that they are not available online. Many town newspapers are starting to post articles online and will most likely have their entire newspapers online in a matter of years. You are also able to save trees and the environment by viewing news online, and I believe that in a matter of years, all newspapers will become obsolete.


  1. You guys make a glowing recommendation! And everything you say is true; online news is superior to newspaper in almost every way.
    However, while I also believe newspapers could become obsolete, I don't believe that they will vanish completely. As we all know, traditionalists exist, and by law of the First Amendment, those who believe newspapers remain superior will always--ALWAYS--have the right and resource to continue producing them.
    Another thing to take into consideration is the environment. All the paper and ink that goes into making those newspapers is a hideous drain on resources--and a staggering number of people don't recycle their newspapers. Online news surpasses newspapers on every level in that account, as well.
    Online news IS superior in almost all cases, but you also have to take into account those who don't have access. A newspaper would still be a more than reasonable substitute in that case, although I don't think it's a fair comparison.
    By this token, I think it's safe to say that newspapers, while inferior, SHOULD remain around--if only for old time's sake, at the moment.

  2. I agree that online newspapers are better than traditional newspapers because they are free, don't waste paper, and are constantly updated. An online news story is more appealing to look at because it isn't printed in greasy colors. That's not to say that I don't read the newspaper because I do almost everyday, but when I want to get a different perspective on a story I usually open two different sites at the same time and compare them. That is another advantage over a regular newspaper. It is obvious that online newspapers are increasing in readership and so it will be interesting to see how the way people get news will evolve.

  3. I really don't know if I am for or against newspapers at this point. Online news does seem more reliable, easier to access, and saves a lot of paper.

    I don't think newspapers will die out anytime soon though because some people do not have access to internet or an computer and buying a newspaper every once in a while is a lot cheaper then going out and buying a computer + internet.

    No one can really predict what will happen to newspapers in the future but I really hope it doesn't completely die out

  4. I also believe that online newspapers are better than regular newspapers. Online newspapers do help the environment by saving the trees from being cut down for the papers. But there are many pros and cons on print news papers. One of the cons for a print newspaper is that its costs money. Some people think that the news they get should cost them for something they can get for free online. Which is why online newspapers are becoming more popular and more widely used. Another pro for online newspapers is that there are many blogs about the subject matter or the newspaper. Even though there are many pros and cons of both online and print news I believe that print news will always stick around.

  5. I am definitely against the whole news being accessible online because of the amount of jobs it will end up putting people out of. I have two brothers that work at a printing press right here in town and they are worried because there has been talks of their business being shut down because of the huge decline in newspaper buying, but huge increase in online news. Not only is it not fair for the people that may lose their jobs over this advancement in technology but the people that do not have access to the futuristic news source. What if someone without a TV or the Internet suddenly had no newspaper to rely on because everything was changed to just online. This would be another horrible thing to happen because I feel that people being aware of current events is very important and I feel if the newspaper is something that dies out we are going to have a lot of people unable to access these current events. Though they may here it from other people, but how often does a story get changed and inaccurate information is given. It is just like playing telephone back in first grade where one thing is to start the game and when it gets to the other end something completely different is said. It really is sad even to see big name newspapers just like the
    Boston Globe
    to say that they may even stop printing their newspapers.

  6. I agree with you because you can get the same news online that you get from a newspaper that you have to pay for. Plus you can find a lot more news online then in a newspaper. With online news you can find news on pretty much any topic and in newspaper the only kind of news that are in them are bad news. But I think that newspapers are going to be a thing of the past because newspapers are already starting to take a steep dive according to an article I read. But with online news you can also store a unlimited amount of news articles and all the articles come in color, which is awesome.

  7. I don't think that online news should take over because we need the jobs. Also people like to sit and read the newspaper in the morning while drinking and eating there coffee. The newspaper tends to stay locally and that is a good thing for the people. But the online is better if you want items all around the world, and it could be from a week or more before. The online also has color and it makes it easier to look at than the grayish color people see. SO i cant say i am for or against ether of these cause there are good cases behind both of them.
