Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Online TV vs. Regular TV- Andrew and Derek

When it comes to online television versus regular television we think that online television is the better option of the two. 
Online television is better than regular television because with online television you can access your favorite shows at anytime and anywhere. You can watch your shows on your own terms and don't have to deal with time slots that regular television uses. With online television your options are endless. If you want to watch "House" at 3:00 in the morning then you can. With regular television your ability to access shows whenever you want is severely limited. 
You also save a lot of money with online television. Most online television websites only make you pay one payment that is around 50 to 100 dollars. And some sites like YouTube and hulu let you watch some shows for free. With regular television you are stuck with a monthly bill that can reach a ridiculous amount of money. Online television can save you a lot of money and saving money is a very important thing to do these days. 
So online television has so many pros and it is just smarter to use online television. You don't have to deal with commercials and you can access pretty much any show that you like. Regular television is a thing of the past and online television is the future. Why deal with the all the flaws of regular television when you can enhance your television viewing experience with online television. 
Regular television seems to like to focus more on advertising then their shows. You can't watch a half hours show without at least 5-10 minutes of commercials. Its ridiculous how much commercials there are in one show. 
In conclusion online television is something that everyone should be using. Online television is probably one of the greatest things to happen to the Internet because now we can watch all our favorite shows whenever we want. You may not get as great as a picture as regular television has but still the fact that we can watch shows for free and watch them at anytime overshadows that small con. So if you want to find a better way to watch television, online television is your option.


  1. Ugh, I absolutely disagree with this one. I would much rather sit down on my couch and watch TELEVISION shows on the TELEVISION than on my computer. The quality is extremely poor when it is displayed on my computer and it jumps every two seconds (probably because I have an ancient Mac). I do like the thought of having no commercials, but sometimes I like to watch them, it adds to the ambience of watching TV.

  2. I agree that online television is a lot better then regular television because you have the ability to access it whenever you want and you don't have to deal with the annoying commercials that seem to take up more of your time then the actually show does. Also the most important thing online television doesn't cost as can even watch some of your favorite shows for free if you find the right sites like youtube and

    The most annoying thing about Regular Television is probably the commercials. Sure some of them are pretty cool but most of them are completely pointless and the amount of money that is spent on all of them is crazy.

    So I really think with television everything will be online soon enough.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Online versus regular television is one of the few and proud seriously tough debates that I've read on here. I can familiarize with this one--my TV service could be better. I only get 22 channels, and I'm certain that others in this room get even less. While some of these channels perform their function admirably, most of the really quality shows are just plain inaccessible.
    It's times like these that I turn to YouTube to begin the copyright infringe-fest. While marginally illegal, YouTube is one of the only places I can turn to to catch a truly crucial episode of LOST(yeah, I watch it. What of it?). There are loads of websites online that claim to provide free TV services, but truly, they're just a mass of dead links, or tricks into completing surveys. Admittedly, there are a few assorted diamonds in the rough, but as a rule, no dice.
    And what of the director's opinion on the online trend? Most object wildly, but directors' god Joss Whedon demurs.
    The TV business is a rough one, to say the least.

  5. You make a good point here. Most people hate to deal with commercials, and I think that there would be a substantial increase in viewers if there were no commercials. I have to say that I have been on sites like Hulu and from what I have seen it seems like a good investment of time. To be completely honest, though, I don't think that online television could ever beat out regular television. People have been viewing regular television for many decades now, and I don't see them changing anytime soon. Americans are stubborn, and most of them love to lay on the couch and just watch the tube for hours on end. But who knows, maybe traditional television will die out eventually

  6. I have to agree with Hannah on this one! Though Mele brings up a good point about how Internet television may not be so
    because you may access some television shows for free on the internet. But that brings up the argument that some people may not have internet or that the cost of internet itself is very expensive meaning those television shows really aren't free.
    I just think that overall TV is all way too expensive and it is ridiculous how much money is put into some of the
    that are put on TV especially when it comes to campaigning. But overall like Hannah said I just rather prefer relaxing on the couch and being able to watch my own TV rather than looking at a computer screen that brings not the best picture quality.

  7. I agree that online television is better than regular television. The cons of regular television is why I agree. The advantage of a web site like hulu is you can choose what you want to watch not what is on the television. You can also share the video you are watching through e-mail. Hulu needs a Flash Player to watch the high-resolution videos on the web site. The other advantage to hulu is that they have have a contract with NBC, Universal, MGM, FOX, and Sony Pictures Television to provide users with the most popular shows.
