Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kyle 2.3

This year we read The Catcher in The Rye and I can honestly say that is the only book I've ever read for school. It is about a teenage boy that doesn't want to grow up and is having a tough time dealing with the fact that u can't stop things from happening. The book was interesting to me, mainly for the fact that most of the stuff the boy thought about we all think about at least once in our lives. Well, not everything but most of the "minor" things he thinks about. They way he traveled and where he traveled was a metaphor of growing up. He wasn't accepted at his home but he somehow ended up back there. The person in his life that he was attached to the most was his sister. This is another reason why I think this is a good book. Everyone has had a person that they are extremely attached to and if they have died you know how sad you were after the death. But if they haven't died then you always want to see them or talk to them. The boy in the book missed his sister so much that he went back home just to see her and tell her that everything was alright. The last main reason why i like this book so much is because of the realization of the boy. He realizes he can't stop form growing up and he can't stop things from happen. The way he realizes this is by watching his sister on a carousel. Something so simple as that brought him to tears, and if you have never had an experience like that you will. You might not be brought to tears but you will have a large realization at some point. What I learned form the book is that some of the biggest life lessons can be learned from the simplest things.

1 comment:

  1. As a former English teacher, I always appreciate when a student 'gets' a book, but more, they get the reason that the book is chosen with regards to the relevance to life itself.
