Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ebooks vs Print Books

In today’s world, technology has advanced in so many different ways, either it being for the good or it just being for the worst. Take E-books as an example, they are a huge advancement in the book industry, taking regular text and making it into an electronic book, hence the name E-books. But are E-books all really that good? Yes they may save on lots of paper but again the amount of electricity that is used to read an E-book that does not compare to the amount of paper used.
We both do not like the idea of E-books. Though people may say E-books are cheaper because there are some E-books that can be accessed for free online, but how reliable is that text? Do you know the person that actually posted it? These are questions we think about when it comes to reading an E-book online. It is certainly a type of text that can not be trusted fully, as for a regular book that is the actual book itself, definitely reliable for the accurate text.
Back onto the subject of E-books being cheaper to access than a regular book, is this all the truth, or are they really more expensive than a regular book? Mele and I believe E-books to be actually a much more wallet thief than a book because in order to access some E-books you have to have the internet or some sort of application on a cell phone. Internet and cell phones, hmm those don't come cheap at all, they come with a big price tag. Instead of paying $20 on a book you may be spending $50-$100 a month just to read a book, and a book that might not even be as accurate as the actual text. These are things people should think about when they say they rather invest into E-books rather than going to the store and buying a book off the shelf.

Print News vs. Online News, John and Butler

I believe that if you compare print news and online news, you will find that online news is more convenient and easier to view if you have access to a computer. Online news is usually free and has very little advertisements, as opposed to print news where you have to pay around $1 for a newspaper that is about 50 percent advertisements. Also, when you view your news online, you are able to get the full story on just one page, where in a newspaper you usually have to flip to another page that is far inside the newspaper, which can be a hassle.
Online newspapers have lots of storage space, which will allow you to view older articles, whereas you are only able to have the current articles when you purchase a newspaper. Even for people who want to read local newpapers, they may think that they are not available online. Many town newspapers are starting to post articles online and will most likely have their entire newspapers online in a matter of years. You are also able to save trees and the environment by viewing news online, and I believe that in a matter of years, all newspapers will become obsolete.

Online TV vs. Regular TV- Andrew and Derek

When it comes to online television versus regular television we think that online television is the better option of the two. 
Online television is better than regular television because with online television you can access your favorite shows at anytime and anywhere. You can watch your shows on your own terms and don't have to deal with time slots that regular television uses. With online television your options are endless. If you want to watch "House" at 3:00 in the morning then you can. With regular television your ability to access shows whenever you want is severely limited. 
You also save a lot of money with online television. Most online television websites only make you pay one payment that is around 50 to 100 dollars. And some sites like YouTube and hulu let you watch some shows for free. With regular television you are stuck with a monthly bill that can reach a ridiculous amount of money. Online television can save you a lot of money and saving money is a very important thing to do these days. 
So online television has so many pros and it is just smarter to use online television. You don't have to deal with commercials and you can access pretty much any show that you like. Regular television is a thing of the past and online television is the future. Why deal with the all the flaws of regular television when you can enhance your television viewing experience with online television. 
Regular television seems to like to focus more on advertising then their shows. You can't watch a half hours show without at least 5-10 minutes of commercials. Its ridiculous how much commercials there are in one show. 
In conclusion online television is something that everyone should be using. Online television is probably one of the greatest things to happen to the Internet because now we can watch all our favorite shows whenever we want. You may not get as great as a picture as regular television has but still the fact that we can watch shows for free and watch them at anytime overshadows that small con. So if you want to find a better way to watch television, online television is your option.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Traditional Education v. Online Education

Traditional schooling has come under fire in recent years because of the rise in popularity of online schooling. However, the cons of online schooling outweigh the pros. There are many reasons why someone would choose to drop out of high school and pursue an online education, but in the end their social and cooperative skills will suffer more because there is no physical interaction between students and teachers. It is clear that in a world where cooperative skills and connections are more important than book knowledge that online education does not fully prepare its students for that task. Another problem with virtual education is the business of scamming. Many online degrees that are offered have no value when put against a degree from a university. It is easy for people to work hard at an online degree, only to realize that it is not accredited or reputable.

Although people often encourage online classes because they can be completed at your own pace, it is often deceiving. As a student who has taken multiple online courses I know the difficulty of completing everything before the end of the semester. A student has to have the motivation to work piece by piece at the course, and many high school students do not possess that type of character. It is not appealing to have to sit down and work for three hours at a time just staring at a computer screen. Some people say that you can earn a high school diploma in as little as one week, which seems extremely fishy. I would say that in spite of the "cons" of traditional schooling it is still better than online education because there is physical interaction and at school you are forced to work with others. Online high school or college can be more challenging and not nearly as beneficial in the end.

Virtual High School is certainly a highly contested practice. Time after time, arguments and court cases have arisen debating the merit of online courses, whether or not they can truly take the place of actual, hands-on, real-life teaching. One such debate occurred in 2006, following the creation of an online VHS laboratory for science classes. The professor who created it invested a good deal of time in its creation; he worked with video game designers, to create an interactive media outlet through which students could perform potentially dangerous experiments without fear of harming themselves, others or school property.

It wasn’t long before suspicion grew, and the College Board confronted said professor, and presented a panel of extremely intelligent, attentive college professors to examine his online laboratory. The Board was unsure that the cyberspace version of dissecting a human may not match its equivalent when it comes to the pressure of a real-live situation.
“Professors are saying that simulations can be really good, that they use them to supplement their own lab work, but that they’d be concerned about giving credit to students who have never had any experience in a hands-on lab,” says Trevor Packer, one who assists in the Board’s AP placement decisions. “You could have students going straight into second-year college science courses without ever having used a Bunsen burner.”

Such cases are the main problem with VHS. Online, impersonal schooling that does not conform to the student’s unique traits can never compare to a human teacher, who can understand, work around and produce results from any abnormalities that a student might have. Don’t get me wrong; VHS is a stellar program to function for those who might find education otherwise inaccessible; in regard to that, I can find no better system. However, as a replacement for traditional schooling, I’m afraid that VHS will never be a true rival or substitute.

-Peter and Hannah-

Kyle Formal Writing vs Instant Message Speak

The newest debate between English teachers isn't if Shakespeare is the best, it's about the English language dying. Some teachers believe that because of instant messaging English will change so much it will become a dead language. If a language is changing how will it become a dead language? "Languages are always changing, and that's a fact that language snobs need to get over and accept - because the only language that doesn't change is a dead language, like Latin," said Derek Denis (The Boston Globe). English isn't being changed drastically, actually it is only being changed by making words into abbreviations. Is making words into abbreviations actually changing the English language or is it "killing" it? The two most common abbreviations are haha and lol (laugh out loud). Other abbreviations include u (you), ur (your), and ttyl (talk to you later). Even if a teenager doesn't have a computer or a cell phone they know most of the "words." Anther thing teachers believe is suffering in formal writing is spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. They believe that the students don't know the difference between formal and non-formal writing when they are writing a paper. Spelling suffers because most if not all users drop letters in words. Some of the most common words with dropped letters are wen, wat, kno, and b. Capitalization suffers because of the the instant message "code." The only time letter are capitalized are when the user is "yelling," in names, or when the user wants get their point across strongly. The punctuation suffers because the things that are said don't need punctuation.

I don't believe that formal writing is suffering because of the abbreviations. In a study about 63% of students said that they type the same as they writing in school. But, 64% of the students in the study said that they do mistakenly use the short hand in school. 74% of students in the study said that texting and instant messaging does not change how they write in school. When i write a first draft I sometimes write in the short hand and then go back and fix it. The instant message words do help me in school because I can get my ideas down before i have to write everything out. So does instant messaging and text effect the way the students write?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Kyle 2.4

This is kind of strange but i want to learn how to do this. It's speed painting with spray paint.

Kyle 2.2

Wildfires Plague Town in Texas Panhandle

Over 12,000 acres in the Texas Panhandle have been destroyed because of wildfire. Eight homes have also been destroyed. The wildfires began Saturday afternoon in Wheeler. 300 homes and 60 businesses were threatened after the fires were fueled by high winds. 200 residents form the town of 1,400 were forced to evacuate. Authorities think the fire was started because of a down power line.

Peter - Late 4.2

Dozens dead in Italian earthquake

This Monday, a earthquake struck Rome and wreaked havoc with the families residing there. The families were devastated as dozens perished and many more lost their homes.
Although the quake only lasted 30 seconds, it was ranked at a magnitude 6.3, which is catastrophic for an earthquake.
"It was the apocalypse, our house collapsed. It's destroyed, and there's nothing left to recover," says resident Maria Francesco.
Other than houses, many other buildings were severely damaged, including some churches and public libraries.
Among those to offer their condolences were President Barack Obama and Pope Benedict XVI.



Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kyle 2.3

This year we read The Catcher in The Rye and I can honestly say that is the only book I've ever read for school. It is about a teenage boy that doesn't want to grow up and is having a tough time dealing with the fact that u can't stop things from happening. The book was interesting to me, mainly for the fact that most of the stuff the boy thought about we all think about at least once in our lives. Well, not everything but most of the "minor" things he thinks about. They way he traveled and where he traveled was a metaphor of growing up. He wasn't accepted at his home but he somehow ended up back there. The person in his life that he was attached to the most was his sister. This is another reason why I think this is a good book. Everyone has had a person that they are extremely attached to and if they have died you know how sad you were after the death. But if they haven't died then you always want to see them or talk to them. The boy in the book missed his sister so much that he went back home just to see her and tell her that everything was alright. The last main reason why i like this book so much is because of the realization of the boy. He realizes he can't stop form growing up and he can't stop things from happen. The way he realizes this is by watching his sister on a carousel. Something so simple as that brought him to tears, and if you have never had an experience like that you will. You might not be brought to tears but you will have a large realization at some point. What I learned form the book is that some of the biggest life lessons can be learned from the simplest things.

Alex 2.3

When I was in 6th grade we had to read a book then get up in front of the class and tell everyone what it was about and what happened. I can't remember what book I chose, probably because I didn't read it. When it was time to get up in front of the class and talk about the book I got up in front and just kinda made up a story that went with the cover and title. When I sat down I thought I was going to get a really bad grade and she would know I didn't read the book. I ended up getting a pretty good grade and not having to do any work at all.

Kyle 4.2

The "Endlessly Entertaining" Music of M. Ward

M. Ward has made taking old songs and making them new his own. The song "Fisher of Men" starts off with Johnny Cash song until a string arrangement kicks in. Another song called "Rave On" is a Buddy Holly song with a little bit of 60's and Sonic Youth put in the mix. Ward the likes the unusual pairings in his arrangements. He worked with artists like Neko Case, My Morning Jacket, Cat Power, and Bright Eyes.

Kyle 4.2

Urinating Dog Triggered Argument Resulting in 3 Officers' Deaths

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania three police officers were shot after responding to a domestic argument, triggered by a urinating dog. The officers were the first department deaths since 1995. The man who fired the shots will be charged with three counts of homicide, aggravated assault, and other charges. The man was hospitalized after being shot in the leg during the four hour stand off.


Next Saturday I am getting a new pet, I am getting a ball python. I am going to a reptile expo in Manchester at the Raddison. Ball pythons get anywhere from 4-6 ft long and when full grown will eat a small rat every week. I have wanted a ball python since this last summer but my mom said I should wait and see if I can handle all the animals I already have. I am pretty sure that I will get a female because they get bigger and are not as aggressive. I am pretty excited about getting her and can't wait.

3.5 Johnny

I just watched Derek's video about the things that were popular in the 2000s. I think that it is a good video that has a variety of things like game systems, TV shows, and presidents. The only thing that I don't like about it is that President Bush definitely was not popular in the 2000s, at least in my opinion

Here is the link to the media:

Alex 2.1

The last day of third quarter was my last day at King Street. For third quarter I had a study hall for 6th period at King street. Most of the time I had no home work so I just sat there doing nothing. So Mr. Kingsbury put me in a class for 4th quarter, I am in Claymation with Mrs. Wilson. I was at King Street for about a year, I think it is a good program because it caught me up on my credits if I didn't go there I would probably still be a freshman.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kyle 2.1

Ever sense the chorus director in my church found out I can sing I have bee asked to sing in church. I have sang for some of the major services like Christmas and Good Friday. Because Good Friday is this week I was asked to sing with two other girls for the service. It is a song I can learn very easy because i have heard it before and because of chorus I have learned to memorize songs quickly. We have only practiced the song a few times and i think we will be ready for Friday.

Kyle 2.4

I came across this video while trying music to find music to listen to. It is an acapella version of Michael Jackson's Thriller. One man, 64 parts. His english isn't that great but it is still amazing.

Kyle 2.1

A few days ago I got my new cell phone in the mail. I was excited until I realized I can't use it until sometime in May. I can't use it until then because we have Unicel. Verizon bought out Unicel so everyone with Unicel has to get Verizon phones. This brings me to my other problem. My Unicel phone I have right now only works in Colebrook, Piermont, Connecticut, and one spot in Littleton. So if I ever have to call someone it wont work. So, I have two cell phones and they both don't work. Well at least I didn't get my phone stolen again.

John 4.4 late

Halo is hands down one of the best games for the Xbox 360. This video clearly illustrates how amazing the story is and how vibrant the visuals are. The story is brought to a close at the end of this game, and the ending is probably one of the best ones that I have seen for a game ever. I would have say that all around this game is one that you should get out there and buy.

Here is the link to the video

John 4.2 late

I recently did a current event for my Government Civics class about a man who lost his job at the University of Colorado for writing a news article about 9/11, referring to the victims as "little Eichmanns" Adolf Eichmann was a Nazi who was very involved in the extermination of the Jews during WWII. The man who wrote the article was wrongfully accused and was compensated only $1.

Friday, April 3, 2009

2.4 Late Nick DeCosta

This is a really good song b one of my favorite bands. if you listen to the lyrics it means a lot. Not really but I don't know... i guess i just like the fact that its heavy metal.

2.3 late Nick DeCosta

I remember having to do a book report in 5th grade that i didn't read the book for. I got a 100% on it because my teacher ha never read the book so i made a very convincing lie. I was so nervous when i was up there though I was like shaking wicked.

2.2 late nick decosta

I agree with this article because as a nation we need to be looking for even one drop of crued oil that we can tap into without having to pay for from a foreign export. I think this is a Big deal and will help our economy a little bit.

I Bet You Guys Are Getting Pretty Tired of Dinosaur Comics, Huh?

Late 4.1

That's too bad. It's my last recourse.


T-Rex cites a list of which no good could ever come. Oddly enough, there are only two bullets on the list! There should be much more, such as "Do I look fat in this?"

At any rate, the two quotes cited in his list are "What do you mean you don't love me?" and "I've always seen you as the mother I never had."




Late 4.1

In today's Dinosaur Comics, a distraught T-Rex informs us of how his pet dog ran away.


However, shortly after, we learn that he did not feed his dog for two weeks and five days straight.

In short, T-Rex's dog should have fled from his home long before that.

The strip ends with a twist!


Curiosity : SATISFIED

Late 4.1

The innovative T-Rex observes the value of the word "bicurious!" While I am certain this is a word nobody has ever heard before, I am sure T-Rex finds it quirky and enigmatic! Enough so to use it in everyday conversation, anyway.

Afterwards, Utahraptor approaches to discuss the word's attributes with T-Rex.

What a boring life these two must lead, that the high point of their day is lexicon discussion.



2.4 Late Nick DeCosta
This used to be my favorite song and i know all the words and its pretty cool because i haven't heard it in like 2 years. it brings back good and bad memories of when i was a kid and its a pretty cool song.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

2.3 late Nick DeCosta

Recently I watched the movie monsters vs. aliens. It was a funny movie but is more orrientated for Children 9-12. I think that it will be a big hit though for wee children. It got a 3* o of 5* in the nick critic association.

2.2 late nick decosta
I think that japan would be seriously stupid to mess with Korea. Those Koreans are crazy and they have a strong millitary.

2.1 Late Nick DeCosta

I started baseball two weeks ago. I really hope that i can be successful with this. I only wanted to join so i could loose weight but now i am getting attatched to it. Its a pretty cool sport and i hope i can stay on with my grades.

Ding Dong, the Spot's All Gone


The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is a millenium-old storm that constantly ravages Jupiter. The storm is monumentally large, as much as three Earths across, and has not dissipated at all in its interminable time of existence.
But now, here's the thing--IT'S DISAPPEARING.
The Great Red Spot, for reasons unknown to us, has begun to shrink. If this continues, the Great Red Spot could theoretically vanish off the face of Jupiter.
Who cares?


Dinosaur Comics

Dinosaur Comics, by Ryan North, is an innovative web-comic based around a 27-year-old tyrannosaurus, and his compadres, Utahraptor and Dromiceiomimus. The appearance of every strip is exactly the same; North uses a template to form his strips. Surprisingly, the Dinosaur Comics entertains massive attention on the web, and is one of the more renowned web-comics out there, along with XKCD, Cyanide & Happiness, etc.

The comic revolves around the whimsy, interest and sexuality of its main character, T-Rex. Dromiceiomimus and Utahraptor make cameos in the 3rd, 4th and 5th panels, most often as comedic foils.

This is T-Rex. This is his whimsy.

It should be noted that Dinosaur Comics is the only tab on my Google Reader that I even come CLOSE to remotely using.
