Friday, February 6, 2009

Religion is the Opiate of the Masses

One of Karl Marx's famous quotes was "Religious is the opiate of the masses." What does this quote say to you? We're curious if you think there's a difference between being religious and spiritual? What inspires you? What gives you a moment of awe? Is there a higher being to whom you relate? What makes you gravitate towards that?

1 comment:

  1. As the blog implies, a very deep question. "Religion is the opiate of the masses." Mr. Marx was a very radical person, and I'm sure he was aware of how many people he'd be offending with this statement of his.

    An opiate is anything that dulls or dims senses. What Marx is suggesting is that the people use religion, instead of as a spiritual medium to connect themselves to a Higher Order as they say, to simply sedate themselves and anesthetize their own senses.


    Possibly to create a softer wall between their ego and the gritty surface that is the truth of their own lives.

    Who knows, really?
